A haven of my thoughts and imagination at its finest!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Cheers for PEERS!

9/16/2013 01:40:00 AM Posted by Abby ♡ , , , , , , No comments


Who would have thought that you can meet people that you'd be able and be proud of to call your "OWN FAMILY"?

Well... I actually did.

After graduating from high school, I thought that I can't find better friends than the ones I had during my high school life. I was WRONG!

Of course, meeting someone for the first time is AWKWARD as hell. And that, of course, happened to me and my new set of friends as I start my journey through college with them.

Nonetheless, I never thought that after the awkwardness that we were feeling with each other, we’d become more comfortable with each other’s presence and become friends and even… BECOME PART OF EACH AND EVERYONE’S FAMILY.

To: Geli, Sarah, Hannah, Keesha, MG, Charles, Paolo, Karl, Wilson & Ced,

I sincerely thank you for walking into and becoming a huge part of my life now. You truly are the gifts of our Lord that has no monetary counterpart. You are God’s blessings in disguise! I can’t put into words how thankful I am that I've got to meet each and every one of you.

A quotation from Jaren L. Davis truly defines the distinct roles that you play in my life. And I quote:

“Some come and leave, fulfilling a single purpose; others, for a time or a season to teach us by sharing their experiences; and last, a select few who participate forever with relationships that endure through eternity.”

Thank you to you, my second family!
You definitely are the people that I’d fight a bullet for.
I love you!

4 years of friendship shared.

Friday, September 13, 2013


9/13/2013 12:30:00 AM Posted by Abby ♡ No comments
This would serve as a post on how you can connect with me besides my blog right here. :)

Listed below are some of the social networking sites that I'm currently part or active on.

A. Facebook - Abby Corre
B. Twitter - @abbycorre14
C. Tumblr - I Can't Fight Fate
D. Soundcloud - Abby Corre
E. Line, WeChat & Keek: @abbycorre14
F. FaceTime: abegail.corre@yahoo.com
G. Viber, KakaoTalk, WhatsApp, ChatON: Abby Corre (09165980812)
I.1 Skype Username - abbycorre14
I.2 Skype Email Address - abegail.corre@yahoo.com
J. Instagram - @abbycorre14 (IG!)
K. Foursquare - abbycorre14
L. Pinterest - abbycorre14 (Pin Me!)

So... Let's connect and be friends. ;)

Thursday, September 12, 2013


9/12/2013 11:59:00 PM Posted by Abby ♡ No comments


Rightful credits to the owner of the photo.

Of course, I was and forever will be one of those girls who wished she was that certain WENDY to that certain PETER PAN.

How I love to find someone like PETER PAN. :">

19, Girl and Faith.

9/12/2013 01:02:00 AM Posted by Abby ♡ No comments


FAITH? What does the word FAITH mean? What does it mean to strangers? To your friends? To your family? To your professors? To your pet? Especially... What does the word FAITH mean to YOU?

When faith is treated as a noun, it could mean two things... First, It's the complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Second, It's the strong belief in God or in the doctrines of religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather that proof.

An excerpt from an article I found at the Internet:

"Faith is a sacred, deep, emotionally involved kind of trust. Faith is the kind of trust that you enter into with your whole being. Faith is the kind of trust that, when it has been broken, it hurts deep inside… but faith is the kind of trust that finds a way to trust again despite the hurt.

We are all people of Faith. Faith is a basic aspect of human nature. We live in a universe that is so awe inspiring, so infinite, so grandly complicated that all of human knowledge amounts to only a tiny fraction of reality."

Alright. Enough with my preaching. Here's a question that's worthy of lingering around each and everyone's mind (or that's what I think it's worthy of, anyways.)

Why on earth would a 19 year old girl would like to talk about FAITH?

It's not clear, right? It isn't clear on my part, either. Though, I know that I wanted to talk about faith because of its effect towards the life I'm living right now.

Of course, I was your typical teenager who would only do what her heart pleases to do so. A typical teenager who got lost at some point of her teenage life. A typical teenager who faced that so-called "rebellion" phase. I was and is still a part of that. I guess, I was lost and my faith was nowhere to be found during those times of my life that I was lost. I doubted God on why is He doing this certain things towards me? Questioning God's plans was really part of me during those times.

Do you know what answered every little uncertainty and doubts I had during those times? PRAYER. And the revival of my FAITH came. I prayed during those dark times but my prayers was full of questions instead. But when the opportunity came knocking towards my direction, change was my only choice. I prayed and thanked God for everything that I had received and for the trials that he has given me. My prayers were full of thankfulness, glee and trust. My faith got its glow back. I solely believed in God's plans for me. I didn't question Him. I didn't complain. I didn't hesitate on receiving every single problem, blessing and every single decision that God has made for me and how and where my life is headed.

Some says that, "God gives the toughest problems to His toughest soldiers." And, I am proud to say that...